USPS Text Scam (Fake Website)

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USPS Text Scam (Fake Website)

Post by funnyinterestingcool » Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:29 pm

The text came from 706-590-7949:
[U.S.P.S-Postal]: You have a package with wrong address in our transit warehouse, please update your address. Access. ->

Do NOT enter information on this website. Although the domain has authentic links directing to USPS, the domain itself is impersonating a federal site. DO NOT ENTER INFORMATION ON THIS SITE! Doing so will lead you to a credit card information page:

Fake Usps Site
Fake Usps Site (103.09 KiB) Viewed 35515 times

The identify of the domain and web host has been shared with USPS postal investigators.
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