What your business needs to know about Section 230 (Google Customer Solutions)

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What your business needs to know about Section 230 (Google Customer Solutions)

Post by funnyinterestingcool » Tue Apr 18, 2023 4:14 pm

You may or may not recall life before the internet (anyone remember phonebooks?), but today it’s hard to imagine operating your business, connecting with customers, or … frankly, doing just about anything without it. However, there’s a debate brewing in Washington that could alter the way that Americans — and businesses like yours — use the internet every day.

You joined this email list to stay updated on public policy issues that could impact your business, and earlier this year, we highlighted some of those issues. This month, we want to tell you more about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, often referred to as “the twenty-six words that created the internet.” In short, Section 230 protects hosting, displaying, or sharing content from other people.

Learn more about Section 230

What’s at stake

Without Section 230, your business could face an increased burden to review and moderate potentially problematic content, or risk being sued. To make matters worse, this could affect your ability to list your products or other information about your business on other websites and marketplaces. Connecting with customers through social media or your website would get much harder. Undercutting Section 230 would lead to businesses and websites being unable to operate, and to more lawsuits that would hurt small businesses.

As this issue evolves, we’ll keep you updated on ways you can take action. In the meantime, you can learn more about Section 230 and how it helps your business.

Thanks for your leadership,

The Google Customer Solutions Team
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