Eleras Group Auto Direct Mailer Scam

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Eleras Group Auto Direct Mailer Scam

Post by funnyinterestingcool » Fri Jul 26, 2024 2:59 pm

Official Business Penalty for Private Use, $300
Important Vehicle Information Address Change? Please contact our Customer Service Department.
Please Call: 1-888-307-2075 Assigned Dept. Approval Division Amount Approved - Platinum Coverage

***RESPONSE TO THIS NOTICE REQUESTED *** THIS LETTER IS TO INFORM YOU: That if your factory warranty has expired, you will be Financially Liable for all repairs. Our records indicate that you HAVE NOT CONTACTED us to get your service contract up-to-date. You have the option to protect your vehicle beyond the factory warranty. Please call us at 1-888-307-2075 before 7/26/2024 to confirm your eligibility.

ATTENTION: Please call 1-888-307-2075 with VIN and current mileage before July 26, 2024. Our records indicate that you have not contacted us regarding the vehicle service contract on your vehicle. By neglecting to obtain your coverage you will be at risk of being financially liable for any and all repairs after your factory warranty expires. However, you still may have time left to purchase certain coverage on your vehicle before it is too late. Final acceptance is subject to your ability to meet eligibility requirements. This may be our only attempt to contact you about obtaining a vehicle service contract. We reserve the right to revoke your eligibility for service coverage if you do not meet our criteria. Please call within 5 days to ensure eligibility.

James Conrad
Program Coordinator

Operating Hours: Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 7:00 pm CST and Saturday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm CST

COVERED PARTS INCLUDE - — Engine, Transmission, Transfer Unit 4x4, Drive Axle Assembly, Front and Rear Suspension, Steering, Air Conditioning Unit, Electronics, Seals, Gaskets, Brake System, High Tech Electrical System, and More.
Tesla Time Sensitive Eleras Group Mailer
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