IRS Stimulus: We don't have enough information yet (we're working on this), or You're not eligible for a payment.

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IRS Stimulus: We don't have enough information yet (we're working on this), or You're not eligible for a payment.

Post by funnyinterestingcool » Mon May 04, 2020 8:46 pm

Payment Status Not Available
We are unable to provide the status of your payment right now because:

We don't have enough information yet (we're working on this), or
You're not eligible for a payment.
For more information about why you're receiving this message, see our Frequently Asked Questions.

You can check the application again to see whether there has been an update to your information. Get My Payment data is updated once per day, so there's no need to check back more often.
Irs Payment Status Not Available
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Re: IRS Stimulus: We don't have enough information yet (we're working on this), or You're not eligible for a payment.

Post by stillwaiting2020 » Mon May 11, 2020 4:18 pm

I too have been getting this message. I know I qualify, a joint filing status with my wife and kids of two, and both of us are out of a job and yet we have not seen a penny. I have read that the IRS has mistakenly send the money to people that are already dead or even work visa immigrants (which both should not be entitled to any money). How the IRS got the algorithm to allow that is beyond me. I am a programmer, they probably got some weak programmers that do not even look at the entire metrics within the database to filter which person should get it. Obviously, it is hard to determine if someone is already dead, but shouldn't citizens be an easy filter? Combine the database with USCIS to be part of the filter. If you have half ass programmers, do expect to have weak or loop holes in IRS website as well. We need everything to be air tight during this time, to ensure the well being of the country.


Re: IRS Stimulus: We don't have enough information yet (we're working on this), or You're not eligible for a payment.

Post by bpeters » Wed Jun 17, 2020 6:26 pm

I've been getting this message for about 2 months now. I bet they don't have any trouble finding info about you if you owe them money. In fact, I did owe them money last year and they communicated by snail mail several times. Ridiculous.

Travis Dye

Re: IRS Stimulus: We don't have enough information yet (we're working on this), or You're not eligible for a payment.

Post by Travis Dye » Fri Sep 11, 2020 10:31 am

It's really a long time since I sind up for my check need my money please let me know if you need anything else.


Re: IRS Stimulus: We don't have enough information yet (we're working on this), or You're not eligible for a payment.

Post by Guest » Fri Jan 08, 2021 2:34 pm

The IRS garnish payment for my account every month but you don't have enough information they also take out taxes every week still not enough.

Im the same "" you taking money from


Re: IRS Stimulus: We don't have enough information yet (we're working on this), or You're not eligible for a payment.

Post by BillBol » Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:39 pm

its realiy sucks when the irs been taking 52 00 dollars out my bank account for the last 2 yrs and they cant deposit my 600.00 into my account ...but every month they take the 52.00 dollars...don't make I read if you file tax in can claim the 600.00 and you can get that back ....but if you qwn them the 600.00 will go to what you own .............I though the 600.00 was are money.....has anyone heard anything about the 2000.00 now I heard its going to be 1400.00,,,,, democraps ...lie again


Re: IRS Stimulus: We don't have enough information yet (we're working on this), or You're not eligible for a payment.

Post by Guest » Sat Jan 30, 2021 7:37 pm

BillBol wrote:
Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:39 pm
its realiy sucks when the irs been taking 52 00 dollars out my bank account for the last 2 yrs and they cant deposit my 600.00 into my account ...but every month they take the 52.00 dollars...don't make I read if you file tax in can claim the 600.00 and you can get that back ....but if you qwn them the 600.00 will go to what you own .............I though the 600.00 was are money.....has anyone heard anything about the 2000.00 now I heard its going to be 1400.00,,,,, democraps ...lie again
You, sir, are an idiot. I'm pretty sure if you owe the government, you don't qualify. Also, you can't blame democrat's, because guess who was the president and who controlled the senate when this current deal was passed. The democrats now have to clean up the mess left by the previous administration. (pssst 600+1400=2000)


Re: IRS Stimulus: We don't have enough information yet (we're working on this), or You're not eligible for a payment.

Post by ILBDARNED » Sun Mar 21, 2021 2:22 am

I am getting the same message, it is funny how the first 2 checks came direct deposit no problem, but now all the sudden they do not have enough information, or I am not eligible for a payment when nothing has changed since the last 2 payments.

My friend cares for her mother, they both qualify, her mom got the last 2 payments direct deposited in her bank account and my friend got hers in her personal account.
When she used the get my payment tool, her mothers info brought up this same " don't have enough information message, but her info brought up both payments which were both this time deposited into her account, her moms account got nothing but they did get both payments.

My point is nothing changed to make the IRS suddenly place both payments in one account. Talk about screwed up, what kind of fools and idiots qualify to work for the IRS

I qualify for the $1400.00, so what happens, the IRS deposits $16.00 to my account, this is how stupid our Government employees are and do I have any way to know what the hell they are doing? NO

I call at 7AM when they say they open, I wait on hold listening to crappy music for 35 minutes only to get a call screener that sounded like he was maybe 15 years old telling right off the bat I could not give him any information about me such as what he would need to know to help me. Go figure

So after explaining to him for 10 minutes my situation, he puts me on hold for 10 minutes, comes back telling me he is going to connect me to someone who can help me.
The line switches to a recording telling me to call back again because the call volume is too high, then it hangs up on me.

This is our Government at work, Republicans are the problem, they are some of the most evil people on earth masquerading as having Christian values while enacting a scorched earth policy on the poor and people in need, while they have no problem passing tax cuts with no Democrat support that are permanent for Corporations, but temporary for the rest of us.

This Country is over rated when it comes to it's government that is self serving, the people are the only reason this Country is great.

It is just too bad there are so many stupid people that Republican politicians can fool by demonizing other races promoting anger and hatred to get their votes when in truth the real enemies are the wealthy Corporations who own our Government because of laws passed by Republicans like Citizens united, Gerrymandering, corrupt campaign finance rules and voter suppression. They are able to fool people who vote for them by sticking a carrot on a string in front of their face placing blame on their situation on anything but the real reason, the top 1% who own us all because Republican voters are fools and idiots, Just look at who stormed the Capitol and you are looking at the Republican party, a bunch of Neanderthals.

If some Republicans had voted for this relief, it would have not had to be put in a budget resolution which is why we are having this problem. One republican Pat Toomey made sure creditors can seize your stimulus check when you need money the most. I hate Republicans

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