[Merlin] Symphonic Distribution - YouTube Copyright Claims

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[Merlin] Symphonic Distribution - YouTube Copyright Claims

Post by funnyinterestingcool » Fri Jun 19, 2020 1:02 am

Suddenly getting tons of YouTube copyright claims on videos on several YouTube channels. The claims are a bit useless as it doesn't claim a song in particular but a "part".

Video title: XXXXX
Copyrighted content: Pt. 01
Claimed by: [Merlin] Symphonic Distribution

And so on....

Pt. 02
Pt. 03
Pt. 04
Pt. 05
Pt. 06
Pt. 07
Pt. 08
Pt. 09
Pt. 10
Pt. 11

Who else has been getting ramrodded with these claims?

Merlin Symphonic Distribution
Merlin Symphonic Distribution (66.66 KiB) Viewed 6108 times
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